Posted by Happy and Enjoy | 7:46 PM

As a work-from-home mom of 3, I am always faced with the challenges of managing a career and family at the same time, in the same place. My home is where I raise my family, but also where I work and pursue my career. This balancing act is never easy, but it can work and be very successful if you are willing to juggle (as only a woman can) and stick to a
few set rules.

In my experience, being a work from home mom has been extremely rewarding as it allows me to pursue my career and contribute to our family income financially, while not sacrificing precious every day time with my children. However, I have found that there are some helpful guidelines that can help to make this balancing act more functional and beneficial for everyone involved.

1. When at home - be at home

Have a set space in your home where you do your work and where you can be alone and concentrate when it is work time. But you need to be able to leave this space and enter other parts of the house where you are fully at home with your family, doing nothing to do with work. At these times do not be constantly returning to your computer to check emails or constantly on the phone to clients. Be fully at home with your children and let them know that they are important enough to have uninterrupted time with you each day.

2. Set a standard time for work that does not interfere with your family’s routine

Although you work from home and can do it at any time, do not be tempted to do bits all the time. Rather set aside specific times during the day – or night – when you conduct your work, that does not interfere with your family’s routine and quality time.

Being a work from home entrepreneur means that you need to be a disciplined person, who can manage themselves, and does not need someone to check up on you. So make sure that you work during your dedicated times and not all the time as then you might as well by miles away in a corporate office away from your family.

3. Work consistently

Working from home with small children means that I need to be on top form for my clients and my children every day. This does not allow me the luxury of pulling all nighters to get the work done as I would be a wreck the next day – and moms are not allowed to be a wreck.

So I try to work consistently each day in order to meet my deadlines on time and to manage my client’s expectations about when I can get the work out just as I need to manage the expectations of my children who want time with me each day.

4. Be flexible

While you might have a set workspace and hours that you work from home, you need to be flexible as things don’t always go to plan, and you will need to improvise along the way to keep clients happy and take care of your family. Children get sick and clients have emergencies and you need to improvise and go with the flow. As long as you are giving of your best to your clients and having special quality time with your children and spouse each day – you are doing well.

5. Be loving and intentional with your children

When you do have time with your children and spouse try to be fully there. Give them of your best and plan special experiences with them that show them that they are most important to you.