There are many people that go through your day thinking about number one. They do everything they themselves without regard for other people and they think that their happiness depends on it.
There are literally hundreds if not thousands of examples, including:
Cutting people in traffic, so you can get a car forward.
- Corte de la gente en lĂ­nea para que pueda mover a una persona.">- Cutting of people online so you can move a person.
- Robbery to contact someone if you do not want.
- Theft of money to someone if they do not seek.
- Put to another person, it seems more powerful.
- Do not run a pass to anyone.
- Does not meet the old, aid, so you can get through your day.
I could go on and on with these examples, and I'm sure you can think of a ton of himself. In fact, I'm sure you've done a lot of them in your life! Looking out for number one is something people do naturally, until they become aware of what to look at number one and two can begin to do for them.
What else I learned from an elderly woman in a nursing home I worked. She was blind to employees who had been charged, and did all the work much harder than it needed to be. She was able to do everyday things like cleaning up after themselves, but chose not to. I had to do to others.

One day I called and specifically addressed, they feel bad, that I might feel better. My intention was more aware and respectful of others and instead was a tirade about his guilt, so they could get rid of it.
When I finished, I realized something terrible - I felt bad! She could have cared less, but I started thinking about what he said and I live as I did and it was the first time I was really aware of how my actions were for other people made me feel.
So I sucked my pride and went to his room and apologized to her and told her she was right and I was wrong. She looked ugly and I took it and left the room without saying a word. The only emotion I felt happy, but I did. I feel they are better and not worse, and gave me the opportunity.
Since that day I very aware of how others feel, and I strive to be kind, considerate, attentive and helpful, because I know that not only increase their fortunes, but it will increase my happiness, as well.
I do not mean to keep for themselves or let other people walk on you, but I will say that you should not try to do everything themselves and only you. Think of others who are around you, and not try, they feel bad during the day. Instead, try to feel happier in the day.
In short: You want to be happy?